Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 3 months ago

WIP products now show a list of resources required to craft an item.

Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 3 months ago

Recipes now get filtered by the producer!

I have also implemented a basic entity inspector.

It displays the entity's kind and position within the world (editable!)

You can also teleport the player to the entity and vice versa.


A rough version of the asset inspector is implemented now!

So far, it displays asset kind, then any linked data other systems rely on.

Thanks to the fantastic wrapper raylib-nuklear made by @[email protected], the Nuklear UI integration is seamless. I can't wait to test it out on some new tools!

I am working on Nuklear UI integration for zpl.eco2d. The end goal is to expand the dev tools with an Asset Inspector.

I plan to visualize how assets are used in a game since they are integral.

I rewrote the crafting system to now rely on our tick system, on top of that, crafting recipes can now provide the amount of ticks it takes to craft an item.

eco2d is a small 2D sandbox game you can play in your browser. The desktop version also supports networked sessions using the enet fork we maintain. The game is not aware of any networking as it's completely isolated. There's a fundamental movement, crafting (WIP), and some vehicles you can drive around. All of this is powered by flecs and rendered via raylib, cwpack for data serialization, and zpl as an all-around c99 standard library.

Over time I will provide some development updates.

You can play it at:


RT @[email protected]

Check out the open positions as of this January, including one sweet spot for a new QA Tester at Warhorse Studios.

Apply here:

Kariéra - Warhorse
Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 4 months ago
Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 4 months ago
Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 4 months ago
Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 4 months ago
Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 4 months ago

You may or may not know I was also involved in creating a few multi-player modification projects for games, namely the game called Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.

In mid-2013, we poked into the game's memory. We started figuring out how to sync the game's data and what methods to call (the addresses of which had to be found via a reverse engineering process). Eventually, we ended up with a scriptable server multi-player with the ability to stream modified client files.

Over time I'd contribute to numerous projects and eventually co-kickstart new ones. During that process, a new library was born that would help us streamline data/world streaming. We called it !

The original name was ReGuider Framework, and it would do a little bit more than stream data back then. It somewhat substituted the need for a multi-player skeleton as it provided numerous features like scripting packages, networking, and entity management, ...

Over time we've reduced not only the name but the feature set itself, and nowadays, librg does not even offer any networking (although it's effortless to integrate one, see this enet demo).

Instead, offers a stable, fast and reliable world chunk entity streaming with all the fancy utilities you need to sync your players in big worlds.

Dominik Madarasz shared 1 year, 4 months ago

A game I made with a friend of mine, Inlife using the game engine I mentioned earlier.

NEON SLAYER is an action-packed, fast-paced deathmatch arena where your only weapons are reflexes. It is set in a futuristic abstraction of a vaporwave inspired/themed world. In this game, your goal is to make other players crash into your tail.

It originally started as a small one-weekend project but has blossomed into multiple weekends of fun development and art creation.

There are no plans in sight, however, due to time constraints, but even in this form, the game works as a great background filler while you talk with friends!